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To Provide High-Quality Products and Services for our Valued Clients.
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Hexanea constantly finds new ways to remove viruses effectively and has been providing the Best Products and Services since its Inception.
Be assured of Our Superior Quality and Exceptional Customer Service when You Engage Us.
Great news for all air conditioning contractors.
We have the latest cost-efficient filtration that would save your clients money while deactivating the dangerous virus.
Check with us to see how you can make yourself more competitive
The latest findings on how the virus is spreadThe latest research by the WHO found that the virus is mainly transmitted via aerosol droplets passed by infected persons to uninfected persons when they talk, sneeze or cough. Thus it is advisable to avoid crowds, poorly ventilated areas, or standing too close to other people. Another mode of transmission is touching our eyes, mouth, or nose after we touch areas covered with the virus left by infected persons when they cough.
Is Cleaning and Disinfecting the same?Cleaning usually means removing dirt or grease from the surface using detergent and water. It does reduce germs but not entirely, especially the more resistant viruses and bacteria. Disinfecting, on the other hand, refers to the killing of bacteria and eliminating viruses using chemical, alcohol, or water-based disinfectants,
Are all disinfectants the same?There are generally 3 categories of disinfectants used to kill bacteria and eliminate viruses. Alcohol-based disinfectants are effective in killing germs at about 70% alcohol concentration. At this high concentration, storage is a problem as any accidental naked fire can burn the whole storage room or building. Chemical disinfectant is effective when left on the surface for between 1 to 5 minutes, depending on the chemical used and its concentration. Most of these are dangerous when ingested or harsh to the eyes or skin and may cause cancer when inhaled. The safest disinfectants are natural, chemical-free, or water-based hypochlorous acids made from electrolysis. Hexanea baby-safe disinfectant belongs to this category where it is safe on babies and thus does not carry the "Keep away from children" label
How effective are non-chemical, alcohol-free disinfectants?"Non-Chemical and Alcohol-free electrolyzed water like Hexanea waterliq are surprisingly more effective against pathogens than chemical ones, destroying viruses within seconds instead of the usual one minute for many common chemical disinfectants. Despite its speed in eliminating viruses, it is safer than chemical-based or alcohol-based disinfectants or sanitizers.
Why does some disinfectants continue to protect for 24 hrs or a week after each application?These chemical disinfectants are added with an anti-virus material called Quaternary Ammonium Compounds or Quats. It is highly effective against SarsCov but should not be splashed on the eyes, inhaled, or ingested as it may cause blindness, asthma, or cancer.
What are antimicrobial surface coatings?There are many types of antimicrobial surface coatings available. Some use copper or silver, but many use quaternary ammonium compounds. They are usually harmful in a liquid state before they are formed. Then, they are colorless, borderless, and relatively harmless when formed or dried on the surface. Depending on the ingredients and process, the surface coating bonding and protection can withstand 5,000 to 40,000 rubs and generally withstand detergents except for repeated strong alcohol. Many surface coatings can protect for up to 3 months to 6 months. For example, HexaGuard surface coating from Germany protects between 12 to 24 months, depending on the material coated.
How do we know if the disinfectant, antimicrobial coating and air purifier works?"Our products are independently tested by stringent labs in Germany and America. We also do on-site testing with the best meters available to show our clients and customers the readings Before & After using our products.
Can we disinfect the air continuously?Besides reducing the viral load by opening the windows, there are other ways to reduce the germs in the air of enclosed spaces, such as air-conditioned premises. For example, one can use a stand-alone automatic cold fogger to produce nano-sized disinfectant in the air, so the atmosphere is disinfected or use a high-efficiency filter to get rid of the virus.
How many types of air purifiers can effectively eliminate the virus?Traditionally there are several types of air purifiers avaiable including the use of dangerous ozone, UVC lamps and expensive HEPA or Plasma filteration systems. The more effective ones used to be a hybrid of Plasma and HEPA filters, with the Plasma killing the bacteria and the HEPA trapping the particles as they can only do one function each. Although it is highly effective in eliminating the virus, the Plasma gernerator and HEPA are costly to replace constantly every few months. Hexanea introduces the latest patented MESP air purification system that is lab-proven to destroy the acutal Sars-Cov-2 virus and had recently been awarded as the best air purifier system by the Israeli Ministry of Health and installed in over 10,000 schools.